
My mission is helping families find calm in the chaos of modern parenting. I am an academic, practicing therapist, and mother of 3. I deep dive complex parenting topics so you don’t have to! I share true confessions to be real about this parenting gig. I do it all to help us all be grounded and more in tune with our instincts.

The most critical piece of parenting is that YOU are fine. Our stress undoubtedly affects our kids, and then they act out and make us even more stressed. So, I totally justify handing my kid an iPad for 20 minutes so I can enjoy the quiet luxury of a shower alone, screen-time warnings be damned!

After several years of juggling a full-time job outside the home and raising young children, I aim to bring even the slightest relief to so many parents treading the waters of unrealistic expectations coupled with insanely stressful lifestyles.

How often have we heard — and said — “I’m such a terrible mother.” I would like to change that sentiment to a kinder, “I’m a good-enough mother.” Because chances are, that’s the truth.


I have discovered motherhood as the greatest transformation of identity and self. In a world that values mastery and success, parenting leaves us constantly questioning who we are and what we are doing. And often, hearing about studies on sleep or screen-time or breastfeeding convince us that we are actually totally failing.

In working with hundreds of parents in my practice and constantly engaging with other parents in my communities, we all express the same questioning, worrying, and fear that we are letting down our children in ways big and small.

So let’s get past the one-dimensional Facebook posts that represent the one moment of beauty in a day of chaos. Let’s dig into the reality of parenting in this fast-paced, uber-tech, hyper-media world, and remind each other that we are all doing okay by our children because we are doing our best. Not only does science say so, but if we pay attention to the art of motherhood, our instincts tell us so too.


The views expressed on this site are the author’s own and are provided for informational purposes only. The author makes no warranties about the suitability of any product or treatment referenced or reviewed here for any person other than herself and any reliance placed on these reviews or references by you is done so solely at your own risk. Nothing on this site shall be construed as providing dermatological, medical or other such advice and you are always advised to seek the advice of a suitable professional should you have any such concerns.